Here’s a list of some spring and summer craft ideas:

  • Floral Crown: Create a beautiful crown using fresh flowers and greenery to celebrate the abundance of nature in spring and summer.
  • Herb Bundles: Gather herbs from your garden and create bundles to hang and dry. Use them for smudging or as aromatic decorations.
  • Sun Catchers: Make sun catchers using colorful beads, crystals, and charms. Hang them in your windows to capture the sunlight and bring positive energy into your space.
  • Nature Altar Decorations: Collect natural objects like feathers, stones, shells, and flowers to decorate your pagan altar or sacred space. Arrange them in a meaningful way that represents the elements and seasons.
  • Herb-Infused Oils: Harvest herbs from your garden and create infused oils for ritual use or as natural skincare remedies. Use oils like lavender, chamomile, or rosemary.
  • Dreamcatchers: Craft your own dreamcatchers using hoops, twine, and feathers. Hang them above your bed or in a special space to filter out negative energy and promote positive dreams.
  • Ritual Candles: Make your own ritual candles by melting and pouring beeswax or soy wax into molds. Add natural dyes and essential oils to personalize them for specific intentions.
  • Elemental Wind Chimes: Create wind chimes using natural materials like shells, driftwood, and feathers. Hang them outside to harness the power of the wind and evoke the energy of the elements.
  • Herb Sachets: Sew small fabric bags and fill them with dried herbs like lavender, rose petals, or chamomile. Place them in drawers or hang them in your closet to infuse your clothes with natural scents.
  • Nature-inspired Jewelry: Design and create your own pagan-inspired jewelry using gemstones, crystals, and symbols that resonate with your spiritual beliefs.
  • Flower Pressing: Collect and press flowers and leaves to create beautifully, pressed botanical art. Frame them or use them for creating personalized cards or bookmarks.
  • Herb Wreaths: Make wreaths using fresh or dried herbs like rosemary, sage, or thyme. Hang them on your door to invite blessings and protection into your home.

Remember to adapt and personalize these crafts to suit your own pagan beliefs and traditions. Enjoy the creative process and the connection it brings with nature and spirituality.